Debt Recovery Solicitors in Manchester, Blackburn & Lancashire

Our debt recovery team are committed to providing a cost effective debt recovery service, helping you focus on recovering your debts quickly and efficiently. 

If you’re looking for professional legal experts that can help you recover bad debt or civil litigation, call us for free confidential advice. No matter how complex your case is, we have the skills and expertise needed to make the process as clear and transparent as possible.

Curtis Law Solicitors can help you focus on recovering your debts on a low cost, fixed fee basis.

We have a proven success rate in recovering debts, by simply understanding you and your business and providing the right strategy for proceedings. We will take the stress away and guide you through the entire process offering practical and commercially focused advice. 


Curtis Law Solicitors can offer you:

Our Services include

  • Initial advices in writing and/ or telephone
  • Letters of Claim
  • Negotiations 
  • The drafting of and running of Court proceedings
  • Advocacy services
  • Enforcement of Court Orders 
  • Insolvency Proceedings
  • Debt recovery for individuals and businesses
  • Cost effective fixed fee service – so you’re not paying any more than necessary
  • Full support through a bespoke service
  • Plain and straightforward advice 
  • Clear timescales


Debt Recovery Resource Pack: 

To help you understand the various methods used to recover monies owed successfully, download the Debt Recovery Resource Pack here.

Debt recovery Resource pack will contain the following:

  • Recovering what is owed
  • Knowing your debtor
  • Starting court proceedings
  • Enforcing the judgement
  • Starting insolvency proceedings
  • How much it will cost.


The Team

Our highly experienced team is led by Melanie Potts who is a Senior Associate Solicitor at Curtis Law Solicitors.

The Team are also able to draw on the  experience of Andrew Bell and Tasleem Riaz, both of whom are Directors at the firm with Andrew Bell holding Higher Rights of Audience – All Courts

If the debt recovery matter is straightforward and resolved by way of an initial letter the matter can be concluded within weeks. However, if a Judgment is required and enforcement action, depending on the Court system, a typical case can take up to 12 months from initial instructions to conclusion. However, if complications arise, or delay, this will impact on the timeframe but we would keep you fully advised of any delay, the reasons and what we are doing to reduce the delay so far as we can.


Fixed Fees

Claims up to £10,000.00

If only a Letter of Claim is required                                                                                                                           £75.00 plus VAT

Review of papers and a Letter of Claim                                                                                                                  £175.00 plus VAT

Issuing a claim and obtaining Judgment on an undefended basis                                                               £350.00 plus VAT.

If negotiations are required after a Letter of Claim hourly rates would apply and be agreed with you.

If the matter is issued and becomes defended we would review the position with you and either agree staged Fixed Fees through to a final Hearing or agree hours rates.

Claims over £10,000.00 and up to £100,000.00

If only a Letter of Claim is required                                                                                                                           £150.00 plus VAT

Review of papers and a Letter of Claim                                                                                                                  £250.00 plus VAT

Issuing a claim and obtaining Judgment on an undefended basis                                                               £500.00 plus VAT.

The VAT rate is currently 20%. If this rate changes during a matter we will advise you.


If negotiations are required after a Letter of Claim hourly rates would apply and be agreed with you.

If the matter is issued and becomes defended we would review the position with you and either agree staged Fixed Fees through to a final Hearing or agree hours rates.

Our Fixed Fees include our time and VAT but do not include disbursements such as Court Fees, Counsel/agents fees and enforcement agents fees – any such disbursements would be agreed with you before they are incurred.

If for any reason there is a need to review the Fixed Fee we will advise of this and explain the reasons why, and provide a further fee quote for your consideration and agreement. Any such revised fee quote will be based on our hourly rates.


Contact our Debt Recovery & Civil Litigation advisors

Contact Curtis Law Solicitors today free on 0800 008 7450 or mobile friendly 0333 240 0340.

You can also fill out our online enquiry form and we’ll contact you shortly.