Occupational Licence Solicitors in Manchester, Blackburn and Lancashire

In business, there are two ways that you can occupy a property for commercial purposes. Generally speaking, your business will either take out a lease on a property or will obtain a licence to occupy. Whilst these two terms may appear to be relatively similar on the face of it there are some fundamental differences, such as rent and exclusive possession. The most significant difference is in the way in which the land is seen from a legal perspective, with a lease creating an interest in the land, and a licence giving you permission to use to property.

To speak to one of our friendly, expert Commercial Property Solicitors, get in touch today by calling 01254 297130, or by using our simple enquiry form below.

What Is An Occupational Licence and How Does It Affect My Business?

An occupational licence is permission given by the landowner (the licensor) for the licensee (the person being granted the right) to use their land for an authorised purpose. Having an occupational licence in place effectively prevents the act which the licence refers to from being a trespass. If you don’t have one in place before undertaking activities not specified in your contract, this can lead to complications and even eviction in some cases. It is also worth noting that a licence does not create an estate in land.

How Long Does An Occupational Licence Last?

A licence can be for a fixed period of time, and it can reserve a payment (a licence fee). However, a licence does not grant exclusive possession - unlike a lease.  So, at any time during the licence period, the licensor could ask the licensee to occupy a different area in a building than the area used initially.

Contact Curtis Law Solicitors Today

Occupational licenses may seem complex and daunting on the face of it, but the team here at Curtis Law Solicitors can take care of all the heavy lifting, leaving you to take care of your business. If you require any assistance with occupational licences for your business, please feel free to get in touch with us by calling 01254 297130, or if you are pressed for time, please feel free to contact us online using our simple enquiry form below and a member of the team will be in touch with you as soon as possible.