Compensation of £4,250 recovered for client who endured the delayed diagnosis and treatment of mycoplasma genitalium

22 July 2024

The specialist clinical negligence team at Curtis Law Solicitors has recovered £4,250 in compensation for a client who faced the delayed diagnosis and treatment of mycoplasma genitalium.

Mr I presented to his GP with a three day history of urinary symptoms. Urine and STI tests were performed and reported to be normal, so the plan was for urological review. Whilst waiting for that referral, Mr I consulted his GP again due to an exacerbation in his symptoms which led to an urgent referral to the GUM clinic. On review at the GUM clinic, he was diagnosed with non-specific urethritis, and he was prescribed Doxycycline for one week. Approximately three weeks later, Mr I returned to his GP because his urinary symptoms had recurred. He was referred to the GUM clinic where further tests were performed. Mr I received a text message from the GUM clinic advising that the tests were negative and that he could resume sexual relations with his partner. This was incorrect. The tests were reported to reveal mycoplasma genitalium. Mr I continued to experience intermittent urinary symptoms for approximately ten months before the error was discovered and he received treatment. He also faced the embarrassment of informing his partner of the issue and arranging for her to undergo testing and treatment, which contributed to the breakdown of their relationship.

After analysing the medical records, the claim was presented to the Trust with an early Letter of Claim. The Trust subsequently admitted both breach of duty and causation of avoidable harm. Settlement negotiations resulted in the recovery of £4,250 for Mr I.

If you wish to discuss a potential clinical negligence claim with our specialist solicitors you can email us, use our online enquiry form, or call us for free on 0800 008 7450.